ESG Research & Assessment

Uplift helps you understand the ESG landscape and identify the areas of impact across ESG that can set your business up for success in the short- and long-term.

ESG Research & Assessment Services

At Uplift, we believe a good ESG strategy begins with a clear understanding of ESG risks and opportunities and full visibility into a company’s current capabilities. Researching the landscape and assessing where you are and where you need to go can ensure your company invests in the right priorities and sets itself apart from the competition.

Our comprehensive research and assessment solutions are tailored to include your industry’s specific characteristics and your company’s unique needs. From regulatory and landscape analysis to competitor benchmarking, from business case and capabilities assessment to materiality, Uplift can set your business in the right direction.


  • Secure enterprise-wide buy-in for ESG by demonstrating how ESG is essential to your company’s success, can increase its reputation and position, and mitigates current & future business risk.

  • Assess your company's existing ESG programs, policies, metrics, and engagements to take stock of the current state and gauge the relative maturity of ESG across your organization.

  • Uncover applicable ESG-related risks and trends across regulation, business and industry to keep your company ahead of the curve and to ensure priorities are correctly integrated into your strategy.

  • Identify your company’s ESG-related risks and opportunities in comparison to your competitors and peer set to inform how you position your ESG priorities externally.

  • Engage key stakeholders to identify the most important and relevant ESG topics to your business, uncover blind spots & risks, and provide insight into how ESG can create value for the company.

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